Increase in National Minimum Wage, Contract Cleaning and Wholesale & Retail Sector
As of 1 March 2020, the minimum wage in terms of the National Minimum Wage Act, as well as the wages for the Contract Cleaning and Wholesale & Retail sectors will increase. In terms of the Government Gazette published 17 February 2020, the new National Minimum Wage going forward will be R20.76 per ordinary hour worked. Farmworkers will be entitled to R18.68, domestic workers will receive R15.57, and workers employed on expanded public works programmes will be entitled to R11.42 per hour. Workers who have concluded learnership agreements in terms of section 17 of the Skills Development Act will be entitled to minimum allowances as per the table below:

The minimum wages for the Contract Cleaning sector as per sectoral determination 1 have been amended as follows:

Wholesale and Retail wages as per sectoral determination 9 have been amended as follows:

For more information on the above topic, please contact the Labournet Helpdesk at
0861 LABNET (0861 522638).
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