Furniture Manufacturing Industry of the Western Cape: Extension to Non-parties of the Collective Bargaining Fee Collective Agreement

Furniture Manufacturing Industry of the Western Cape: Extension to Non-parties of the Collective Bargaining Fee Collective Agreement

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The Minister of Employment and Labour has in terms of section 32(2) of the Labour Relations Act declared that the Collective Agreement concluded in the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry of the Western Cape be extended to non-parties.   

The agreement is further extended from 1 April 2024 and shall remain in force for a period of 12 months. This means that the conditions specified therein shall be binding on the parties who concluded the collective agreement and on other employers and employees in that industry. 

Despite any provisions of the Agreement, the Council may appoint one or more persons and may request the Minister of Labour to appoint such persons as designated agents in terms of section 33 (1) of the act to promote, monitor, and enforce compliance with the Agreement.  

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