Furniture Bargaining Council: Extension to non-parties of the main collective amending agreement
The Minister of Employment and Labour has in terms of section 32(2) of the Labour Relations Act declared that the Collective Agreement concluded in the Furniture Bargaining Council be extended to other employers and employees in that industry currently not party to the agreement, with effect from 15 January 2024 to 30 April 2028.
This agreement is applicable to the Furniture, Bedding, and Upholstery Manufacturing Industry in the Provinces of Gauteng, North-West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, and the Free State. This applies to the industry in which employers and their employees are associated for the manufacture, either in whole or as a complete unit or in part as a component or components, of all types of furniture and bedding as well as upholstery and / or re-upholstery.
The agreement regulates terms and conditions of employment such as overtime work, leave pay and holiday bonus funds, and the payment of various fees and levy contributions to the fund.
All employers falling within the industry and geographic location specified in this agreement are bound by its contents and must comply with the provisions of thereof.
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