Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry of KwaZulu-Natal – Extension to non-parties of the Agency Shop Fee Collective Agreement

Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing

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The Minister of Employment and Labour has declared that the Agency Shop Fee Collective Agreement which was concluded in the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry of KwaZulu-Natal as set out in the Schedule to this Notice be extended to non-parties. This means that the conditions specified therein shall be binding on the parties concluding the collective agreement and other employers and employees in that industry. The collective agreement comes into effect on 9 October 2023 and shall remain in force for a period of 12 months.

A prescribed Agency Shop Fee equal to R20-00 per week, with effect from the coming into operation of this agreement, must be deducted by all employers from all their employees’ wages if their employees are not members of the National Union Furniture and Allied workers of South Africa who are the party trade union of this agreement.

Despite the provisions of any law or contract, an employer may deduct the Agency Shop Fee from the wages of the employee without the employee’s consent.

This agreement shall only be applicable in the Magisterial Districts of Camperdown, Chatsworth, Durban, Inanda, Pietermaritzburg, and Pinetown excluding the rest of the KwaZulu Natal Province.

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