The Minister of Employment and Labour has declared that the Footwear Sector Amending Collective Agreement which was concluded in the National Bargaining Council of the Leather Industry of South Africa be amended and extended to non-parties. This means that the conditions specified therein shall be binding on the parties who concluded the collective agreement and on other employers and employees in that industry.
Payment of an Annual Leave Allowance is one of the provisions covered in the agreement. The Annual Leave Allowance shall be paid to employees by no later than one day prior to the commencement of the Annual Leave period. Payslips/salary advice for the Annual Leave Allowance shall be issued to employees by no later than three days prior to the commencement of the Annual Leave period.
The originally published collective agreement states 1 July 2023 as the date of operation, however, this has since been amended by the Minister. The collective agreement signed in Durban on 26 July 2023 is annexed to the Notice as well as the wages relevant to employees within the Footwear Sector. The collective agreement comes into effect 20 November 2023 and for the period ending 30 June 2026.
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