Learnership Division July 2018 News

LabourNet is committed to Skills Development and Youth Employment

Since 2016 LabourNet has been committed to placing unemployed young people into their first job through the learnership process. Together with our Training Partners we are selecting, training, hosting and processing the pay roll’s for these eager and hardworking individuals who are providing capacity to both local schools, municipalities and local businesses. Our HR Consultants are assisting our clients with the discretionary grant applications, transformation consultants are providing alternatives that are informing and impacting BEE Levels and our Training Team is delivering accredited training. Together with our clients we are participating in Skills Development and Leadership initiatives that are contributing to creating a competent, resilient and proactive workforce.

Every Month LabourNet is placing more and more young people into jobs through the learnership division. Thanks to Meagan Hume from the George Branch 10 employees working on a strawberry farm will now be trained in Plant Production. Through the hard work of Martin Labotski from the Cape Town branch 420 currently unemployed learners will gain one years working experience and a qualification in Information Technology courses.

LabourNet is very proud to be associated with Partners for Possibility (PfP). Through the Learnership Initiative we are capacitating Local Schools with Admin and IT Learners. This week Pfp were one of the recipients of the WISE (World Innovation Summit for Education) Awards. This award has been described as the ‘Oscars’ for Education. This is a significant moment on the Symphonia journey and acknowledgement of impact and innovation with regard to leadership, mobilising active citizenship and cross-sector collaboration.

For more information on the above topic, please contact the LabourNet Helpdesk at

0861 LABNET (0861 522638).

Not yet a LabourNet client, but would like to know more about our service and products?

Email us: support@www.testdraft.co.za/labournet
