With reference to the 2013 General Amended Codes and the Sector Codes issued to date, your company will only be eligible for scoring points under the Skills Development element of your B-BBEE scorecard, if it meets the following prerequisites on an annual basis:
When identifying training programmes, completing skills development needs analysis and/or compiling data needed to complete your SETA submission, you need to ensure that you have implemented some of the priority skills identified by your reporting SETA,
You need to complete and successfully submit your Workplace Skills Plan (WSP), Annual Training Report (ATR) and Pivotal Report to your reporting SETA on/before 30 April each year, and
Obtain your reporting SETA’s written approval of your submitted WSP and ATR.
Failure to meet all 3 of the above prerequisites, will result in your company scoring 0.00 points for the Skills Development element and as this is a priority element, your overall B-BBEE level will be discounted with one level i.e. a Level 8 B-BBEE status will be discounted to a Non-compliant status OR your desired Level 1, will be discounted to a Level 2 status.
For more information on the above topic, please contact the LabourNet Helpdesk at
0861 LABNET (0861 522638)
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