2024 Employment Equity reporting period opens soon!
Employment Equity (EE) is imperative for businesses to comply with statutory and Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) scorecard requirements. This guide will help you determine if you need to comply with Employment Equity submissions, assess your current compliance status, and guide you to get in touch with Labournet for a free audit or consultation.
Purpose of the Employment Equity Act
- Promote equal opportunities and fair treatment in the workplace.
- Implement affirmative action to redress historical disadvantages.
Although the proposed changes to the Employment Equity Act (EEA) have been passed, they have not yet been signed into law. Therefore, the 2024 submission requirements remain unchanged. We will keep you informed about any updates.
Key Dates and Deadlines
- Online Submissions Deadline: 15 January 2025
- Online Reporting System Opens: 1 September 2024
Who Must Submit an Employment Equity Report?
- Employers with 50 or more employees.
- Employers with fewer than 50 employees who exceed the turnover threshold for designated employers.
- Municipalities, organs of state, or Employers bound by collective agreements.
Note: Employers newly designated between April 2024 and October 2024 will submit their first report the following year (15 January 2026).
Why Must an Employment Equity Report Be Submitted?
- Non-compliance can result in fines up to R1.5 million or 2% of annual turnover for first-time offenders. Repeat offenders face higher penalties.
- Without an Employment Equity Report, no points are awarded for Management Control on the B-BBEE scorecard, negatively affecting the overall BEE level.
Assess Your Compliance Status
Use the following link to determine whether you need to comply and whether your current compliance efforts are in line with the requirements in the Employment Equity Act: Check my status.
Our employment equity consulting services offer strategic guidance and practical support to help organisations achieve their equity goals and foster an inclusive workplace culture ultimately changing the world of work and how organisations achieve equity and inclusivity.
Labournet offers professional assistance through our dedicated Employment Equity Specialists who assist our clients with:
- Legal Appointments
- Aligning Employment Equity with strategic corporate objectives
- Committee election and training
- Numerical and Barriers analysis
- EE Plan Development and Monitoring
- Consultation including Legislative Updates, Staff awareness and Management Sessions
- Reporting to the Department of Employment and Labour
- Assisting with Department of Employment and Labour Inspections
Contact us to schedule your free audit or consultation and ensure your business meets all Employment Equity requirements.