Summary: Level 2 Directive – 16 August 2020

The directive and the workforce:

Specific exclusions – Table 3

  • Night clubs

  • International passenger air travel for leisure purposes

  • Passenger ships for recreational purposes

  • Attendance of any sporting events as spectators

  • International sporting events

  • Exclusions relating to public transport services are in directions issued by the Cabinet member responsible for transport

  • Exclusions relating to education services are in directions issued by the Cabinet members responsible for education

Employers MUST – Table 3

  • Adhere to health protocols and social distancing measures

  • Return to work being phased-in in order to put in place measures to make the workplace COVID-19 ready

  • The return to work done in a manner that avoids and reduces risk of infection

Operation of Economic Sector – Section 62 page 12

  • Businesses with more than 100 employees, must where possible make provision to minimize the number of employees at the workplace through rotation, staggered working hours, shift systems, remote working arrangements, or similar measures in order to achieve social distancing and to limit congestion in public transport and at the workplace

  • Relevant health protocols and social distancing must be adhered to

  • Every employer MUST implement appropriate measures for employees who are over the age of 60 or those with co-morbidities to facilitate their safe return to work which may include special measure at the workplace to limit employee’s exposure to COVID-19 infection and where possible for the employee to work from home.

  • Construction, Manufacturing, Business and financial services firms with more than 500 employees must adhere to the appropriate sector or workplace arrangements to address the following:

  • Provide, or arrange transport to their employees coming to site, or, where it is not possible, consider staggered working time arrangements

  • Stagger the return to work ensure workplace readiness and avoid travel congestion

  • Screen employees daily for symptoms of COVID-19 and refer the employee who displays symptoms for medical examination and testing where necessary

  • Submit data collected during the screening and testing process to the Director-General: Health

Compliance Officers – Section 63 page 13

Private and Public sector Industries, Businesses and Entities must:

  • designate a COVID-19 compliance officer who must oversee the

  • implementation of the plan

  • adherence to the standards of hygiene and health protocols

  • develop a work place plan for the phased in return of their employees prior to reopening the workplace (Annexure E) and must be retained for inspection and must contain the following information:

  • which employees are permitted to work

  • the plan for the phased in return of employees

  • health protocols are in place

  • details of the COVID-19 officer

  • phase in the return of their employees to manage the return of employees from other provinces

  • develop measures to ensure workplace meets the standard of health protocols, adequate space and social distancing


Download the full Directive here.

Download the TERS Extension Direction Communication here.

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