NUMSA and MEIBC reach wage agreement.

NUMSA has called a halt to their strike as they have agreed with the MEIBC’s wage increase proposal.

A wage increase ranging from 5% to 6% amongst the different categories has been agreed to.

The wage increase is effective from 22 October 2021, employees covered by the Main Agreement shall be paid not less than the rate he/she was receiving prior to 22 October 2021 plus, as a guaranteed personal increase, an additional rand, and cents increase (calculated on the minimum rate) for his category of work.

Increases awarded prior to 22 October may be offset against the final agreed rand and cents increases.

Employees who received no increases on or after 1 July 2021 shall be entitled to receive the full increase in their category with effect from 1 July 2021.

An employer must consult in with employees and their trade union representatives and/or elected shop stewards on when the back pay will be paid.

The union officials shall make themselves available to meet with an employer and where not available then the employer must consult directly with the elected shop stewards.

Wage Exemptions

The industry’s current wage exemption procedure continues to apply. If a company is unable to implement the agreed wage increase, leave enhancement pay, and/or backpay they can apply to their local regional council for an exemption to implement lesser wage increases than those negotiated.

Exemption application must be lodged with the Bargaining Council upon 30 days of the signature of the Settlement Agreement. The new wage table can be viewed at

The application for exemption can be downloaded at

For more information on the above topic, please contact the LabourNet Helpdesk at

0861 LABNET (0861 522638).

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