CCMA Access as of 18 May 2020
Following the directive sent out on 8 May, the CCMA has issued a new directive on 16 May setting out new procedures for accessing the CCMA offices as of Monday 18 May. In terms of the new directive, the CCMA offices nationally are now open from 08h00 to 16h00 from 18 May.
Members of the public will now be able to access the CCMA offices from Wednesday 20 May and can refer disputes in person by submitting physical copies of referral forms. The number of people granted access to CCMA buildings at any given time will however be strictly monitored and members of the public are requested to be patient in this regard.
Parties attending CCMA hearings who are required to travel to venues must comply with any applicable restrictions at the time. The CCMA in exercising its functions will abide by all Directives and Regulations issued and physical hearings at its premises or another venue agreed to by the parties will adhere to such Directives and Regulations. Anyone entering the CCMA buildings or other venues must submit to compulsory screening, must wear a face mask, must apply hand sanitizer, and must adhere to social distancing rules. Only active parties to the dispute, not exceeding ten persons, will be allowed entry to the CCMA or other venue.
Any party who objects to a matter proceeding as set out above must submit a notice of objection to the CCMA and the opposing party in writing with full reasons. The Provincial Senior Commissioner or delegated other shall then decide whether the matter should proceed or be postponed after considering submissions and other possible reasonable alternatives.
Failure to comply with these directives may lead to your matter not being heard or refusal to access the CCMA building.
For more information on the above topic, please contact the Labournet Helpdesk at
0861 LABNET (0861 522638).
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