Newsflash! Notice of extension to non-parties for the furniture manufacturing industry of KwaZulu-Natal

Notice of extension to non-parties for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry of KwaZulu-Natal

The Minister of Employment and Labour has declared that the Main Collective Amending Agreement which was concluded in the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry of KwaZulu-Natal as set out in the Schedule to this Notice be extended to non-parties. The collective agreement comes into effect from the 24th of July 2023 and shall remain in force until 30 June 2027. The conditions specified therein shall be binding on the parties who concluded the main collective agreement and on the other employers and employees in that industry.

Leave pay, yearend bonuses, council expenses and provident fund contributions are some of the provisions covered in the main agreement. The employer must grant 15 working days’ paid leave calculated at the daily remuneration rate during shut down in December of each year.

The yearend bonus incentive scheme shall be operated as follows:

  • The 1-week bonus shall be pro-rated for employees joining during the year.
  • Absenteeism will be the only basis and proxy used as a measurement in the incentive scheme.
  • Absenteeism will be measured from 1 September of each year to factory closure.
  • Employees will earn 1-week additional wage for 100% attendance.
  • In the event of absence due to illness the employee will not be deemed to be absent in the following cases:
  • The employee produces a certificate.
  • Signed by a registered medical practitioner.
  • Issued by the clinic confirming dates of collection of chronic medication.
  • A certificate issued by the clinic and accepted on a medical basis by the employer.

In line with the practice of the metro area, the 15 working days’ leave pay is to be paid over to the Bargaining council monthly from 1 January 2024, for payment to employees.

The 1-week incentive bonus shall be paid directly to employees at year end.

The terms of the Main Agreement shall be observed in the Furniture Manufacturing Industry in KwaZulu-Natal in the Magisterial districts of Camperdown, Chatsworth, Durban, Inanda, Municipality area of KwaDakuza also referred to as Ilembe or Lower Tugela, Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown, Mount Currie, and the municipal area of Mandini also referred to as Isithebe.