Newsflash! New National Minimum Wage

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The new National Minimum Wage for employees has been increased to R25,42 per hour as of 1 March 2023. This wage is also applicable to farm workers and domestic workers.

Workers on an expanded public works programme are entitled to a minimum wage of R13,97 per hour, and workers who have concluded learnership agreements contemplated in section 17 of the Skills Development Act are entitled to the allowances contained in Schedule 2 as follows:

The wages for Sectoral Determination 1: Contract Cleaners, and Sectoral Determination 9: Wholesale and Retail are as follows:

Sectoral Determination 1: Contract Cleaning Sector


Sectoral Determination 9: Wholesale and Retail Sector

Download the Government Notice on the Amendment of National Minimum Wages here:

GN 3069 of 2023 – Amendment of National Minimum Wages


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