Newsflash! Cancellation of various Trade Union Registrations.

The Deputy Registrar of Labour Relations, in terms of section 106(2A) of the Labour Relations Act No. 66 of 1995, has cancelled the registration of the following three trade unions with effect from 7 October 2024:

  1. United Workers Front (U.W.F) – view the full notice
  2. Progressive Socialist Workers Union of South Africa (PSWUSA) – view the full notice
  3. The United Democratic Food & Combined Workers Union – view the full notice


The reason for the cancellation is: – 

  • The organisation failed to comply with the provisions of the following sections of the Act:
  • Section 98 – Accounting records and audits
  • Section 99 – Duty to keep records.
  • Section 100 – Duty to provide information to the registrar.
  • The organisation ceased to function in terms of its constitution.


The organisations therefore ceased to function as genuine trade unions as envisaged in the Act, and the names of the Unions have been removed from the Register of Trade Unions.


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