Newsflash! Application for Variation of Scope of the Metal and Engineering Bargaining Council
The Deputy Registrar of Labour Relations has issued a notice confirming receipt of an application from the Metal and Engineering Bargaining Council to amend its registered scope.
The application intends to give effect to the Constitutional Court Judgment to align the certificate of registration of the Council as well as addressing other grey areas that have been identified over time with various other sectors.
Objections to the application, if any, must be lodged to the Registrar of Labour Relations within 30 days of the date of this notice by: –
- Post to Private Ba X117, Pretoria, 0001
- Hand in at the offices of the Department of Labour, Laboria House, 215 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria.
- Via email to and
A copy of the objection must be served on the applicant within the said 30-day period and the Registrar must be satisfied that such service was effected. Thereafter, the applicant may respond to any objection within 14 days of the expiry of the 30-day period and must satisfy the Deputy Registrar that the response has been properly served on the objecting party.
The application involves the Metal and Engineering Bargaining Council within the Republic of South Africa:
- In the definition of “General Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering and Metallurgical Industries” to include the words “(other than a motor vehicle)” after the word “component” in the sixth line.
- In the definition of “General Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering and Metallurgical Industries” to include the words “which includes equipment designed to run on fixed tracks, civil and mechanical equipment and/or parts thereof whether or not mounted on wheels, agricultural equipment or parts thereof or tractors and equipment designed for use in factories and/or workshops – mobile cranes, forklifts and stocking equipment” after the word “vehicle” in line four.
Read the full gazette here.
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