Newsflash! Amendments to COVID-19 regulations

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On the 1st of February, the Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs confirmed various amendments to the COVID regulations. These include the refusal of treatment and isolation, whereby no person who tests positive for COVID-19 with a laboratory test and is symptomatic may refuse to get treatment or to be admitted to a health establishment for treatment or isolation to prevent transmission. Further to this, if a person does not comply with the instruction or order of the enforcement officer, they will be detained at a health facility for 48 hours while a court order is obtained for treatment or isolation.

In addition, any person who tests positive for COVID-19 with a laboratory test will only need to isolate if they show symptoms, and isolation will only be for 7 days and no longer 10 days as before. This is unless a medical practitioner advises a longer isolation.

A confirmed positive person must comply with an order of isolation given by a medical practitioner, nurse, or compliance officer to isolate at a health facility or to self-isolate.

If a person refuses to isolate an order may be obtained by a magistrate to compel a person to isolate. As mentioned above, asymptomatic cases will not need to isolate.

The State shall also identify temporary shelters for homeless people that comply with the necessary health protocols and adequate spacing standards as provided for the guidelines published by the Director General of Health.

Of further interest, is the fact that no social distancing measures will apply in the basic education sector.

For more information on the above topic, please contact the LabourNet Helpdesk at

0861 LABNET (0861 522638).

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